16-CdS is a project that was completed with Ezra Teboul at Dartmouth College during the Fall of 2013. The goal was to make a surface controller that only uses photoresistors to communicate with a computer. This presents the user with an opportunity to express musical material by dynamically operating 16 analog components at once. Tactile components were not used for the controller’s interface.

The controller has been used in a few concert settings. The first one was at the Harold Golen Gallery as part of the ’12 Nights’ concert series on December 7th, 2013. A performance at the Audiotheque in Miami, FL on December 26th followed the ’12 Nights’ concert. Here’s a recording from that performance using the 16-CdS controller at the Audiotheque’s Year-End Fest:


16-CdS@audiotheque 16-CdS@audiotheque_02 16-CdS@audiotheque03 16_CdS@audiotheque04 16-CdS@higgs01 16-CdS@higgs02

***performance images courtesy of Claudia Ariano***

A demo of the controller generating audio-visual materials using Max/MSP/Jitter:

patch examples and other documentation coming soon!!!

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